If you search What is Digital Marketing? then you will get millions and billions search result in google.
But does all the articles do justice and tell you in a simple language that anyone can understand about what is digital marketing?
I will tell you in such a layman language that anyone can understand it.
But does all the articles do justice and tell you in a simple language that anyone can understand about what is digital marketing?
I will tell you in such a layman language that anyone can understand it.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is made up of two words i.e Digital + Marketing.
Firstly we will understand what marketing means.
Marketing means that promoting products, service, or yourself in the specific market such that you can sell your products, service, or yourself as a brand.
Secondly, we will understand what digital means
In this digital world where everything happens in just one click of your fingertip is considered as digital.
For example, you purchase a product from Amazon, Flipkart or any other websites.
So, when you combine Digital + Marketing the result is:
Marketing your brand, product or service through all the social media platforms like Instagram Facebook, youtube, TikTok etc available in this world in order to sell your products or create awareness about your product or service.
Why use Digital marketing?
In earlier days we will see hoarding, banners, posters everywhere in the city or country where brands promote their products to people.
And the company pays a huge amount of money for those hoarding and banners.
But here all those small companies who had a small budget can't get equal opportunity because they don't have enough money to pay for hoardings.
Now in this digital age, whoever wants to promote either big or small company can promote their brand, product or service.
And not only that many people were using digital platforms to make themselves as brands now known as influencers.
Traditional marketing vs Digital marketing?
In traditional marketing like hoardings, banners, pamphlets and many more companies spent a hell lot of money to advertise there products or services.
But what happens there is that they will not know who are their potential customers.
And the customers seeing their hoarding were capable or not for purchasing their products or not did they buy our products by seeing our advertisements or not and many more things like this.
So, the company only do one thing is that just promote and pray that their product will sell.
Some products sell because of their headlines but many of them don't.
That's why people shifted towards digital platforms not all the people but many companies.
Because in digital marketing you know whom to show your ads, which category, which gender, which place, what interests they have and many more.
And all these things were tracked that how many people have seen your ads, how many clicked it and visited your website, how many purchased your product etc.
Benefits of digital marketing?
- Track your ads
- Show your ads to specific people
- Low budget
- More conversion
- Know who are your competitors
- Build an online brand
- Easy to implement
- Connect directly with your audience
- Know what your audience wants
- Increase reach to all. over the world
Digital marketing brings equal opportunities for all people in order to create a brand or a product.
It helps people to grow their business and not stuck in one country.
You should start digital marketing to build your online presence.